Welcome to Havana!
Welcome cigar afficionados. Welcome to Havana. Havana Fine Cigars is boutique cigar shop dedicated to bringing you the finest cigars, supplies, and accessories to make your cigar experience a memorable one that stops time, enables you to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Words to live by, coined by my cigar mentor Yanko Maceda. My goal is to take you one a journey in search of the finest cigars. My goal is to focus on serving you by searching for cigars that meet Havana standards. Unlike many cigar shops that are driven by big cigar companies market goals, I plan to work with manufacturers and wholesalers that respect our boutique mission. To bring you the finest cigars.
Our journey begins in the Cigar Capital of America, Ybor City, Tampa, Florida. I’ve discovered that Tabanero Cigars shares the same goals in quality and consistency, which is why I chose to work closely with Yanko and his team to kick off this journey.
While we have yet to find a permanent location in Columbia, Illinois, I am working hard to find the best location that will serve our community. In the meantime, you will have access to our website HavanaFineCigars.com and can enjoy free local delivery to Columbia, Dupo, Millstadt, and Waterloo.
While we will operate as a retail space in the short-term, my long-term vision is to bring you a smoking lounge with a Latin influenced atmosphere. We thank you for your support and are extremely excited to bring the wellness though cigars to the community.